Auspicious muhurat increases the chances of success in work. people often check auspicious time(shubh muhurat) before starting new work. Abhijit Muhurat is a special auspicious time that is considered auspicious for any task in vedic astrology. You can check today abhijit muhurat for your place using this abhijit muhurat calculator. The eighth muhurat of the day is known as Abhijeet Muhurat. Abhijeet Muhurat and Abhijit nakshatra on some day together make time more auspicious. Abhijit muhurat is not only auspicious for specific task it is considered favorable for almost all auspicious work.
Abhijit Muhurat gives auspicious blessing and protection.
Abhijit muhurat is muhurat or time during which work started is believed to yield positive results. Abhijit muhurat occurs every day during eight pahar. The eight pahar of each day is considered sarvasiddhidayak (highly auspicious). Abhijeet Muhurat consists of the last 15 dand of Uttarapada nakshatra and 4 dand of Shravana nakshatra. Dand refers to 1 ghadi equivalent to 24 minutes, sometimes this muhurat occurs during a time that is not ideal for performing certain tasks.
This Abhijeet Muhurta lasts throughout the day on some tithi of the year.some tithi are inherently considered as abhijit muhurat during which work is sure to succeed such as Akshaya Tritiya (Akhatij), Vijayadashami and pradosh tithi before diwali. Any task needs effort to be successful abhijit muhurat alone does not make a difference. if no special muhurat is available for starting a work, it is advisable to perform it during abhijit muhurat time.
There are 15 muhurat every day from sunrise to sunset, of which the eighth is the auspicious Abhijit muhurat which last for about 48 minutes. If sunrise is at 6:00 AM, the Abhijit muhurat will from 11:36 AM to 12:24 PM. The Abhijit muhurat of a place depends on the sunrise time of that place.
Today Abhijit muhurat Delhi is from 12:03 to 12:51.
City | Start | End |
mumbai | 12:20:15 | 13:08:15 |
hyderabad | 11:57:48 | 12:45:48 |
ahmedabad | 12:21:30 | 13:09:30 |
bengaluru | 12:01:20 | 12:49:20 |
kolkata | 11:18:20 | 12:06:20 |
chennai | 11:50:38 | 12:38:38 |
Abhijit Muhurat is a good time for auspicious works. In Abhijit Muhurat, many types of defects automatically get eliminated. It is believed that Lord Shri Ram was born during Abhijit muhurat.
If you are unable to find an auspicious time for a task or do not know how to see the time in the Panchang, then you can do the said work in Abhijit muhurat. During this muhurat, you can begin a journey, start new tasks, engage in business and financial activities, and perform general auspicious acts such as prayers and rituals. For auspicious ceremonies such as weddings, mundan, and housewarming, an astrologer provides a specific muhurat for these after detailed analysis. this is because determining a muhurat requires evaluating tithi, vaar, nakshatra, yog and karan.
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